Virtual Support Services

Designed especially for those who are unable to access additional birth support services due to the current hospital and birth centre COVID-19 restrictions.

Free 45 Minute Consultation


Birth is one of the most life-changing and intimate moments of your life, and finding the right birth support service for you and your family can have such a positive impact on your birth experience. It’s important you find someone who you feel safe and comfortable with, and whose philosophy and beliefs align with your own. That is why we offer a 100% obligation and fee-free meeting, so you can decide if we feel right for you. Click on the button below to make your booking today.

Virtual Support Package


This package is 100% virtual and includes support sessions during pregnancy, the contents of which are determined by you so you get the most out of our time together, plus continuous virtual support during labour and birth for as long you as you need. This can be done through a platform of your choice.

This package includes the following:

  • A free 45-minute obligation-free virtual consultation.

  • Two virtual antenatal meetings (up to 2 hours per meeting).

  • Support via phone, text message and email throughout pregnancy and up to 4 weeks postpartum.

  • Access to a comprehensive online resource library including videos, blogs, articles, and professional research studies.

  • Education on tips and techniques for labour, including light touch massage, acupressure points, positions for labour and birth, and breathing techniques.

  • Provision of ‘cheat sheets’ to assist your primary birth support person in the above techniques in the early stages of labour.

  • Assistance with completing a birth plan.

  • 24/7 on-call service from the 38th week of pregnancy.

  • Our continuous virtual support during labour and birth, or until as needed.

  • One virtual postnatal meeting (up to 2 hours).

  • Referral recommendations for other healthcare professionals, complementary therapists, and support services as required.

Combination Package


This package combines the best of both worlds - in-person support during pregnancy, early labour and postpartum in the comfort of your own home, with a switch to continuous virtual support during labour and birth once you have decided it feels right for you to head into your chosen hospital or birth centre. This can be done via whichever platform you choose.

This package includes the following:

  • A free 45-minute obligation-free consultation.

  • A Welcome Pack comprising of individually curated items.

  • Two face-to-face antenatal meetings (up to 2 hours per meeting).

  • Support via phone, text message and email throughout pregnancy and up to 6 weeks postpartum.

  • Access to a comprehensive resource library including books, DVDs, videos, blogs, online articles, and professional research studies.

  • Education on tips and techniques for labour, including light touch massage, acupressure points, positions for labour and birth, and breathing techniques.

  • Provision of ‘cheat sheets’ to assist your primary birth support person in the above techniques in the early stages of labour.

  • Assistance with completing a birth plan.

  • $20 gift voucher for the Hypnobirthing Australia online shop for a pregnancy relaxation track of your choice.

  • A 12-month membership to the Australian Breastfeeding Association.

  • 24/7 on-call service from the 38th week of pregnancy.

  • Continuous face-to-face support for you at your home during labour alongside your primary birth partner, until you feel ready to go to the hospital or birth centre.

  • Provision of an individually tailored labour and birth toolkit for your primary birth partner to use at the hospital or birth centre.

  • Virtual support as needed during your labour and birth whilst you are at the hospital or birth centre.

  • Two face-to-face postnatal meetings (up to 2 hours per meeting), providing support until 6 weeks postpartum.

  • Referral recommendations for other healthcare professionals, complementary therapists, and support services as required.

Additional Meetings

1 hour in-person


Additional meetings can be purchased for antenatal and postpartum support and added to any of our packages. These can be done either in the comfort of your own home or in a convenient location during business hours.

1 hour virtual


Additional meetings can be purchased for antenatal and postpartum support. Virtual meetings can be added to any package for your convenience and can be conducted via the platform of your choice during business hours.

“Childbirth is an experience in a woman’s life that holds the power to transform her forever. Passing through these powerful gates - in her own way - remembering all the generations of women who walk with her…she is never alone”

- Suzanne Arms